Friday, March 15, 2013

Bitch stole my name!!!!

I have to admit I did shed a tear (maybe an oceans worth) when I heard that Holly Madison named her new little babycakes RAINBOW!!!!

I have ridiculous obsession with hearts, rainbows, unicorns, and anything that has to do with LOVE! Because of this obsession both of my little's ended up with the names Lucy Valentine, and Lola Love!! I begged and pleaded with my Billycakes to let me name our little's Rinabow but he would always follow by saying that it's the WORST and stupidest name on this planet and would never agree to it! I think he would rather be shot then have his child named rainbow.  Boo! Heart broken, world crushed!! Maybe when we have our 3rd little Hu he will come around! HA! I will never give up on you Rainbow!!

Rainbow Hu I know you are out there!! Mama loves you!!!

1 comment:

  1. How about a puppy named Rainbow? Or a pony with a unicorn headband? :)
