Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hu's a Godmother!!!

So I have to admit that there is a 3rd party involved in my marriage..... and her name is Barb!!!! We met at Chico when both of our bf's ( now hubbies) were in the same fraternity ( theta chi) and we couldn't be more different in every way but simply fit together like a perfect puzzle! Barb was the maid of honor in my wedding and i can invision us together at 90 years old  holding hands in our matching rocking chairs! She is one of the great loves of my life and has blessed me with the honor of being one of her little babycakes godparents!!!! I can't even tell you how overjoyed I am with this amazing role in little G's life!!! Barb is my everything and I can't wait to be such an imporatant role in this little blessings life!!! Barb has ALWAYS wanted a little girl with gorgeous dark hair and that is exactly what she got!!! Baby G  I love you so much!!!

ps... Babs is also the godmother to both of my little asian babies!!! xoxo


  1. Absolutely amazing and precious. What a true honor. I love your sense of style Miss Hu-Barbie, will you be my Godmother? haha

  2. Kriss I would love to be your FAIRY godmother anyday my love!!!!
